Oh God!! Im having a bad hair day... blah blah blah... and they sulk around the whole day..
Nothing what the guy says or does to cheer her up works.. Hair r the most precious things to girls, i must say..
Especially, when the new coiffure goes haywire.. U better be away from her at that moment..
But my blog is not about Girls and about their bad hair days... thts so hackneyed!!
Its about something more interesting.. Its about guys and their bad hair days!!
Yeah... we guys also do have bad hair days.. Its just that women dont seem to notice them, unless they give a medusa-head appearance, cuz they think that guys hair are too short to have bad hair days... or rather, they r too preoccupied with their own hair.. and with the hair-dos of the other so-called hep girls whom they're jealous off!!
They are absolutely wrong!!
In fact, a guys bad hair day gets accentuated cuz of his short hair...

Take my sad case for example..
Every time i get a haircut.. its a disaster in the making.. the kind of weird hair that ive inherited..
"Sir.. kaise cut karu??"... the barber asks... with a comb and a pair of scissors.. snipping away in his fingers.. and he looks at my hair and smirks.. concealing his joy in going for the kill...
But i can guess his diabolical intents... sigh!!!
"arre.. saamne se medium kaatna.. side se aur peeche se chhota karna.. lekin jyaada chhota nahi.. ye side se baal khade nahi rehne chahiye.. aur upar ke baal baraabar se kaatna... schiisel ghissel mumbaazool gunterostekal.........."
snip snip snip... He barely heard what i had to say.. merrily snipping away ... my precious hair fallen all over my sides.. I close my eyes.. I cant see the disaster unfolding in front of me in the mirror...
15 mins.. and its over...
"bas ho gaya sir?? ki aur chhota kaatu??"
I slowly open my eyes... gathering courage, a mm wide each time.. hoping against hope that not this time.....
There u go... just like like how it is every month.. a DISASTER!!
"arre mere bhai.. aur kitna chhota karega?? sir par machine hi ghooma deneka na yaar!!!"
There i was... a "GOLF BALL"... thats what someone once used to call me..
Time to stay indoors for a week till some hair grow back to keep them settled down...
Just another bad hair week rather...
i wonder how u reacted wen those "RATS" bit ur hair..(yep yep.. i hvnt forgotten tat blog as yet!!)
sahi hai! Yeah I miss looking at the porcupine-types hair :) :) good na u dont have to invest on any hairgel products etc - bcoz u know it wont be of any use :D:D:D!
oye.. dont forget.. even uve inherited the same hair type..
the pic is familiar :-P
he he! I liked the pic :)
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