Thursday, August 7, 2008


I was watching Man vs. Wild last night on Discovery. On the show, Mr.Bear Grylls was showing how to survive in the no man's land of patagonia in the andes... He had just caught a bunny and then he showed how to remove his skin and remove the organs and roast the dead animal....

As Grylls started skinning and dissecting the animal, Mom and grandmom started making weird constipated faces.

"How gross... how can You even watch such stuff... ewwwww"... blah blah....

"when ur relishing on the meat on sundays, U never think that the animal you have eaten has been slaughtered alive and skinned in the same way, dont you...??", I shot back...

My folks back home are big hypocrites... especially my grandmom...
She expresses love for all the animals in the world... she has rescued many of them, feeds them refularly etc etc... She cant watch other animals like deers etc being hunted on discovery channel, but she relishes on goat meat... she says she doesnt like chicken and craves for goat meat, which is thankfully not cooked at our place anymore cause of dad's high cholesterol problem....

Once I had consumed Beef during my internship (though it was accidental, i liked it and I had it again later...) and I came home and declared I had cow meat today....
And then came the accusations of being "Dharma Bhrastha" and all that...
I have also had Pork (and its the best form of meat I have eaten)... and consumed s few live insects on a trek...

All I want to say is that either you eat all forms of meat, or simply become vegetarian... Or at least dont behave like many hypocrite hindus who allow eating goat, chicken and fish meat, but not beef... God never says that U can eat a goat but U cannot eat a cow (for hindus) or pigs (for muslims)...

I also dont understand the celebration of "Gataari" the day before the onset of the Hindu month of Shravan, in which many Hindu people refrain from eating non-veg... So on Gataari, they have the license to eat as many animals as u want and get drunk to the point of crashing down into a road-side gutter (Thats where the term gataari arises from)... I mean, what crap...
Thank God we dont follow shravan... but monday being a Shravani somwar, I was forbidden from eating eggs in the morning... and the next day, we had cooked prawns curry at home !!!

Arrrrrrrrrrgh !! These customs I'll always fail to understand... :-|


Anonymous said...

Beef? u said u ate it during ur internship..does K.E.M.canteen serve beef??Had i done this mistake my mum wud've slaughtered me then n there...ur parents were very lenient on u..

crypticrow said...
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